Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer night outside with cousins

As we let ourselves enjoy the moment tonight, I didn't take any pictures for this post, as I like to do. So you will  have to view the image I describe rather than show you.

We had an impromptu game of well, I shall call it "ball" as it was a made up game with Connor and Charlotte tonight. The main goal was to keep away the yellow ball from Wyatt while he tried to hit us with the red ball. Very dodge ball like. Not sure that he was even aware of the keep away aspect. There were a few other rules and sounds that I can't quite remember, but I am sure if you ask CR or CO, they will tell you in full detail. Wyatt was in his element. Running. Playing with others. Balls. Lots of laughing. It was rare that he actually got anyone, but that did not damper his sheer enjoyment of trying.

Then we had some races. I was mostly competing with Connor (not sure if it was much of a competition as he won all of the races.) And Wyatt's running buddy was Ma. We did all sorts, hopping, running backwards (to which Wyatt told me that "that's not right." -- one of his infamous lines.) I must admit Pa had a pretty pathetic run, but I don't think he was really trying. He was like the energizer bunny, he just ran and ran, and jumped. It was as if the edge of Ma and Pa's back yard was dug up  & recovered just for him to have a mound to jump over after completing each race.

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