Wednesday, September 18, 2013

the ever-so-long waiting for the Wedding Party

Pjs & his suit
"Ready to go."
Thursday night we rode to Alice's.
He chose the long neck tie.
A few days before Mary Margaret's Wedding, we started talking about her Wedding Party. It started when we picked up his new pinstripe navy suit at Alice's house. He loved his suit and did not want to take it off. (Remember the picture of the tractor he rode in a few posts back? He was wearing his suit for that tractor ride.) I did convince him to take off his suit that night, though he really wanted to sleep in it. The next night he woke me up several times asking if it was time to go yet.
I drew a picture of a boy in a long tie and one in a bow tie, and I asked him which he preferred. He picked the long tie. Later, he said that he could go to work with his daddy. I asked him what kind of tie he wanted and he said a "shape" tie (Loving his shapes thanks to Team Umizoomi. {that's a tv show.}) As much as he loves purple, I ordered a purple geometric print in the mail.
A few days later we found his shoes at a consignment shop. And then he was ready. The only problem was,....he had to wait a few more days till it actually happened. Thursday night I had to ride over to the Wooten's to drop something off, so he put his suit over his pajamas, for a little pre-celebrating. He got to hang out with Grant & Jack at their house the night of the rehearsal. And the next morning, he was rearing to go at 9am when I left to do the makeup. Instead he went with Pa, Ma, & Kate's to Ed's Grill for some breakfast, where he instructed Kate what to take pictures of.


on the car ride to Ed's
Car ride to  Ed's Saturday morning


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