Sunday, November 3, 2013

What's Wyatt been eating?

"grain-free cereal bar"
 So the past few months we have been battling Wyatt's itchy eczema. Trying nearly every home remedy that I could think of, without sucess, we went to a naturopath a few weeks ago. In an effort to help heal his system from the inside out, she recommended eating mostly paleo (no grains, dairy, or refined sugar). So that is where we have been the last month -- in the kitchen. So in addition to soups, veggies, and meet, we have experimented with some fun foods as well. Wyatt likes to help with mixing and cracking eggs. We have had some successful new recipes like "grain-free" cereal bars ("Yum, yum" said Wyatt), and some not so successful ones like, crispy chicken tenders ("Yuck," was Wyatt's reply). And lately all things he has liked have been, "De-lic-ious!"
He gets a special orange drink, with his multivitamin, vitamin D3, and probiotics. Upon completion of finishing his drink night and day, he gets a "SPECIAL TREAT" (as he would shout out) --
A gummy fish oil (thankfully at this age he thinks it is "de-lic-ious".

"grain-free waffles"
He was still having issues with itching (keeping us both up at night) so last week I made a concoction with some different oils, butters, and infused them with several dried flowers, and I am so thankful to say that he has gone 3 nights & days without itching! I am hoping I am not celebrating this success too soon, but I am hopeful!

"de-lic-ious! almond milk smoothie"

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